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100% Hit Chance 


Projects seething anger at the target, dealing 433 Elemental damage.

Vs. Mechanical

Vs. Critter


1-11 of 11
Used By:
Dread [Contained Essence of Dread]

Drop: Eternas the Tormentor [60]

Zone: The Maw

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Dust Spirit [Dust Spirit]

Drop: Earthen Soul

Profession: Dragon Isles Engineering [50], Dragon Isles Jewelcrafting [40]

Approximate Drop Rate:  Unknown

Fragment of Anger [Fragment of Anger]

Drop: Reliquary of the Lost [??+]

Zone: Black Temple

Approximate Drop Rate: 1 in 55

Ghostflame [Ghostflame]

Vendor: Mythressa

Zone: Valdrakken

Cost: 1000Elemental Overflow (unlimited supply)

Gooey Sha-ling [Gooey Sha-ling]

Drop: Sha of Pride [??+]

Zone: Siege of Orgrimmar (LFR or Flexible)

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Merriment [Merriment]

Promotion: Mists of Pandaria Classic Sha-Infused Heroic Pack

Ravenous Prideling [Essence of Pride]

Drop: Grand Empress Shek'zeer [??+]

Zone: Heart of Fear

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Raw Emotion [Vial of Roiling Emotions]

Drop: Grand Proctor Beryllia [??+]

Zone: Sanguine Depths (Mythic)

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Wrathling [Bottled Up Rage]

Drop: Manifestation of Wrath [61], Prideful Hulk [57-60]

Zone: Revendreth

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

1-11 of 11
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