Abilities by Family
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Used By:
Albino River Calf — [Indentured Albino River Calf]
Vendor: Mimi Wizzlebub
Zone: Warspear
Faction: Steamwheedle Preservation Society - Revered
Cost: 1000 2000 (unlimited supply)
Vendor: Gazrix Gearlock
Zone: Stormshield
Faction: Steamwheedle Preservation Society - Revered
Cost: 1000 2000 (unlimited supply)
Bloodthorn Hatchling — [Bloodthorn Hatchling]
Crystalline Mini-Monster — [Crystalline Mini-Monster]
Achievement: Many More Mini Minions
Category: Collect
Deathwatch Hatchling — [Deathwatch Hatchling]
Guild Achievement: Challenge Warlords: Gold - Guild Edition
Category: Dungeon Challenges
Vendor: World Vendors - Guild
Cost: 300 (unlimited supply)
Tylarr Gronnden — [Tylarr Gronnden]
Vendor: Paul North
Zone: Orgrimmar
Faction: Brawler's Guild - Rank 3
Cost: 500 (unlimited supply)
Vendor: Quackenbush
Zone: Stormwind City
Faction: Brawler's Guild - Rank 3
Cost: 500 (unlimited supply)
1-24 of 24