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Arcane Explosion

Abilities by Family Magic Arcane Explosion
Arcane Explosion

100% Hit Chance 


Deals 197 Magic damage to the enemy's active pet and 118 Magic damage to the enemy's backline pets.

Vs. Flying

Vs. Mechanical


1-18 of 18
Used By:
Blaze Spirit [Blaze Spirit]

Drop: Fiery Soul

Profession: Dragon Isles Engineering [50], Dragon Isles Jewelcrafting [40]

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Chrominius [Whistle of Chromatic Bone]

Drop: Chromaggus [??+]

Zone: Blackwing Lair

Approximate Drop Rate: 1 in 7

Eldritch Manafiend

Pet Battle: [25] Azsuna

Time: Night

Empowered Manafiend [Warm Arcane Crystal]

Drop: Pugg [35-40+]

Zone: Nagrand (Draenor)

Approximate Drop Rate: 1 in 10

Empyreal Manafiend [Glittering Arcane Crystal]

Drop: Guk [35-40+]

Zone: Nagrand (Draenor)

Approximate Drop Rate: 1 in 10

Energized Manafiend [Vibrating Arcane Crystal]

Drop: Rukdug [35-40+]

Zone: Nagrand (Draenor)

Approximate Drop Rate: 1 in 10

Erudite Manafiend

Pet Battle: [25] Azsuna

Time: Day

Floofa [Floofa]

Vendor: Aithlyn

Zone: Ardenweald

Faction: The Wild Hunt - Friendly

Cost: 250Polished Pet Charm (unlimited supply)

Lil' Tarecgosa [Lil' Tarecgosa]

Guild Achievement: Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa's Rest - Guild Edition

Category: Dungeons & Raids


Vendor: World Vendors - Guild

Cost: 1500gold (unlimited supply)

Lost of Lordaeron

Pet Battle: [1-2] Undercity; [1-2] Tirisfal Glades

Nordrassil Wisp

Pet Battle: [22-24] Mount Hyjal

Servant of Demidos [Servant of Demidos]

Drop: Demidos [40]

Zone: Shadowmoon Valley (Draenor)

Approximate Drop Rate: 1 in 10

Squawkling [Mana-Warped Egg]

Drop: Man-Hunter Rog [50+]

Zone: Arathi Highlands Warfront

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Tiny Apparition

Pet Battle: [25] Stormheim

Void Shardling

Pet Battle: [25] Eredath

Voidwiggler [Tiny Grimoire]

Drop: Darbel Montrose [50+]

Zone: Arathi Highlands Warfront

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

1-18 of 18
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