My Pet Collection
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100% Hit Chance 


Recklessly attack your enemies, dealing 394 Undead damage, split evenly amongst them.

Vs. Humanoid

Vs. Aquatic


1-8 of 8
Used By:
Gilded Darknight [Gilded Darknight]

Zone: Torghast (Adamant Vaults)

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Infernal Pyreclaw [Fandral's Pet Carrier]

Drop: Majordomo Staghelm [??+]

Zone: Firelands

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Mawsworn Minion [Mawsworn Minion]

Drop: Kel'Thuzad [??+]

Zone: Sanctum of Domination

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Remembered Construct [Remembered Construct]

Vendor: Remembrancer Amuul

Zone: Dalaran

Cost: 10000Residual Memories (unlimited supply)


Vendor: Echo of the Silver Hand

Zone: Dragonblight

Cost: 10000Residual Memories (unlimited supply)


Vendor: Forgotten Hero

Zone: Dustwallow Marsh

Cost: 10000Residual Memories (unlimited supply)


Vendor: Memory of a Duke

Zone: Searing Gorge

Cost: 10000Residual Memories (unlimited supply)

Rook [Rook]

Drop: Mysterious Gift from Ve'nari

Zone: The Maw

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Weebomination [Weebomination]

Quest: Mastering the Menagerie [1]

Zone: Lunarfall, Frostwall


Drop: Big Bag of Pet Supplies

Approximate Drop Rate: 1 in 50

1-8 of 8
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