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Empowering Strikes

Abilities by Family Undead Empowering Strikes
Empowering Strikes

100% Hit Chance 


Slash at the enemy with shadowy blades, dealing 295 Undead damage.


Damage increases by 98 each time it is used. Max 492 Undead damage.

Vs. Humanoid

Vs. Aquatic


1-5 of 5
Used By:
Bleak Skitterer

Pet Battle: [25] Maldraxxus

Gruesome Belcher [Smelly Cleaver]

Vendor: Sean Wilkers

Zone: Eastern Plaguelands

Cost: 3Cleansed Remains (unlimited supply)

Lost Limb

Pet Battle: [25] The Maw

Maw Crawler [Maw Crawler]

Zone: Torghast

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Rattlejaw [Shadowy Pile of Bones]

Drop: Nefarian [??+]

Zone: Blackwing Descent

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

1-5 of 5
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