Alaylith's Comments
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It's horrible how small it is now! ;_; It was always so cool that it was almost as big as my gnome and now it's so tiny you almost can't see it! Just why did Blizzard do that; the familiar was perfect the way it was. :(
Posted: September 23, 2012 7:10:37 AM
Edits: 0
Rating: +7
1-1 of 1
Could not resist and bought the Spectral Kitten für 75k... Now I have to get money...
28 July 2012
Could not resist and bought the six common TCG loot pets. ^^"
I could have done without Landro's Lich & XT, but sadly there was only a cheap bundle of them with three others, so I had to get these two as well. :/
But the Nightsaber Cub is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute! *huggle*
08 March 2012
My guild finally got the achievement for the Dark Phoenix Hatchling yesterday! And it was on my guildleader's birthday, too! :)
16 February 2012
Finally got the Toxic Wasteling with my main! (after my priest got two and my mage one <.<)
07 January 2012
With 244 casts I got the Sea Pony with my main! :D