Arwyn3's Comments
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On a higher level toon grinding the commissions takes 1.5-2.5 hrs. The area w the logging machines was the best drop rate for me as alliance.
Got this guy last night on normal island expedition. Pretty sure one of the pirate ship bosses it what put this on my loot table for the run. The invasion rares seem to have better drop rates than other rares.
This guide keeps getting updated as people test out what mobs have what loot tables. Check it out if you're struggling.
Worth saving a stone for. This pet is a great sub for a Blossoming Ancient for those of us who don't want to spend real money for a pet. It's really handy against Kiryn in the celestial tournament.
This is one of my go to pets for spirit tamer battles. Snails in general are great against elementals as they have both a hard and soft counter (aquatic abilities for extra damage and critter type for less damage taken). Since this is the highest level snail tameable it makes it a mist have for pet battlers and well worth farming a rare.
ONE GOAL: Get Moon Moon to drop before the Faire is over...sigh