Cahlyn's Comments
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Additional Comments by Date (13)
Little Ducky looks so cute! Yep yep yep!
Aw man, if only Locatus would actually be in WoW, I'd love a Trekkie pet. We'd have to defeat a Borg cube, obviously, in order to get it.
*shakes fist in anger at April 1st*
Just wanted to point out a couple of spelling mistakes I noticed:
It can be purchase during the upcoming Demon Invasion event. This World Event is scheduled to begin early August of this year
the d has been missed off of the end of purchase
and at the bottom Stone Form has been spelled From.
We all know what you mean but I noticed and couldn't ignore it!
Super excited for the Fel Bat and the upcoming pets! /cheer
Blizz can sense when I'm thinking about quitting...well I can't now, can I?!
OMG I want, no, I need these things!!
I would really like to see a completely new model, getting a tad fed up of all the 'Let's just give it a new skin' thing they seem to be doing. But hey, I'm still going to get these.
Sub renewed! I love these!
These look amazing! And just after I let my sub run out and promised myself I wouldn't renew :( Dammit :(
Good luck to everyone who goes to farm for them! I can't wait to see the screenies ;)
Uncommon quality when learned....slightly disappointed there tbh. As a RaF reward I had expected it to be rare quality, but oh well.
Found an uncommon quality in Crystalsong Forest, right under Dala. The flight down from Dala to the ground was most tense!
Just upgraded this to rare quality, and it only gained 5 hp. No speed or attack increase. I feel a little cheated tbh. Speed and attack are both 10, so just to have one go to 11 as well would have been nice. Can't have it all I suppose!
Got a level 8 rare Crow on my second fing, rather pleased! Kind of makes up for accidentaly killing my rare Glowlfly :(
I found two of these this evening (between 0100-0200 EU server time), one at The Peak of Serenity and the other at the Tomb of the Emperors, one poor and the other common.
Finally caught mine at 2323 EU server time (common quality but who cares?!) by the pillars near Shatterscar Vale (much love to the person who posted that they found theirs there..I have been contantly checking!) Just logged in and thought to check, as I had an alt parked there, and what do you know! No one else there, and very glad I didn't have to stay up til 4am for the server restart :)
Merry Christmas to those of you who celebrate!
Live long and prosper to those of you who don't :)
Have a good one x