My Pet Collection
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Chrit021's Comments

(2) comments by Chrit021

Status Update (1)

New to this website.  I love collecting the pets.  Just starting to really get into the battle aspect.  Never got into it until Legion came out.  I also sell extra rares that I get from my Transmog runs so if you need one, let me know.  I just may have an extra.

Posted: November 27, 2016 1:22:20 PM

Additional Comments by Date (1)

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Mischief - Gotta love this little guy.  His demonic mewing and animation is so awesome.  I haven't had a chance to test him out in battle yet due to issues the game had with logging in last night but looking forward to it.  I was only able to log in and due a few quick dailies.  I'm sure he'll turn out to be a beast in the end.

Posted: December 03, 2016 9:28:19 AM   |   Edits: 0   |   Rating: 0
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