Have they increased the spawn time on these? While camping the northern Loque'nahak spawn point, I just saw two spawn an hour apart. The first was poor B/B (the first B/B I've seen), the second poor H/H. I've seen about 4 or 5 at this particular spawn while camping Loque - I always make a point to ask around if someone needs it. Might be a good tactic to make friends with your local BM Hunter camping the ever elusive spirit beast. Good hunting!
Have they increased the spawn time on these? While camping the northern Loque'nahak spawn point, I just saw two spawn an hour apart. The first was poor B/B (the first B/B I've seen), the second poor H/H. I've seen about 4 or 5 at this particular spawn while camping Loque - I always make a point to ask around if someone needs it. Might be a good tactic to make friends with your local BM Hunter camping the ever elusive spirit beast. Good hunting!