Dacoolist's Comments
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What happens to the people who bought and used the 1500/2000 Pet Portals? Anyone know if blizz may give us back some charms or?
Posted: April 21, 2021 7:16:00 PM
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Rating: +2
I can confirm with boss Tek, The grind isn't bad at all. If you group up with fellow Warcraftpets people - it's a great time, with Bonus xp. Heads up - If you hit a cap of 2.5 Million XP (playing against AI), so after you hit that, everyone has to wait a day, unless you want to fight against real people. It's a lot of work vs. real people so. Good luck all :)
Posted: May 17, 2015 12:54:54 PM
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Rating: 0
It will be cageable/sellable - don't worry, as long as you have a little gold to spend/luck - everyone on warcraftpets will have em :)
Posted: November 11, 2014 6:02:54 AM
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Rating: 0
Re: Murky
To future owners! I almost messed up when I was scratching the surface where the numbers are under-MAKE SURE you scratch lightly, even though its under that rubber piece, since the cards going on being 5 years old, like mine was, I scratched a little to hard and almost was unable to read the number underneath! Something about the ink getting old + the stickyness pulling the ink up.JUST BE GENTLE <3 and gratz!
Posted: September 29, 2009 1:10:36 PM
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Rating: +18
Re: Dragon Kite
Great for showing your location at any time.(IE... trades, flasks/food in raids, escorting, etc)
Posted: September 29, 2009 12:46:19 PM
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Rating: +4
Re: Spirit of Summer
Pet goes Great with Hallowed Wand - Wisp(obtained via Hallow's End)
Also used to have only a red glow wherever you went, now, changes its tint, depending on location.
Posted: September 29, 2009 11:48:33 AM
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Rating: +1
You may defeat Lord Ahune once per day on heroic mode, and once a day from the regular slave pens daily you get from the npc right before the Ice Stone.
Heroic mode allows for a retry if you fail over and over until you down Lord Ahune (gives you a badge on heroic, so it saves you to the instance for a that day).
But on regular, once you get the daily and turn it in; if you fail to kill Lorn Ahune-you lose the chance for The Scortchling, until daily's reset. (or unless you have more people) GL!!
Heroic mode allows for a retry if you fail over and over until you down Lord Ahune (gives you a badge on heroic, so it saves you to the instance for a that day).
But on regular, once you get the daily and turn it in; if you fail to kill Lorn Ahune-you lose the chance for The Scortchling, until daily's reset. (or unless you have more people) GL!!
Posted: September 29, 2009 11:34:22 AM
Edits: 0
Rating: +1
1-7 of 7
BIGUP warcraftpets.com !! <3