Dakender's Comments
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Latest patch just added 4 more according to Wowhead :) Can't get on to test yet, 5gig to go.
New battle pets: Young Talbuk,
Slithershock Elver,
Bone Serpent.
Traveler's Pet Supplies is a new pet item that may contain a "special pet"--perhaps
My Special Pet?
Am in the process of rebuilding the guild so we can all get together and test this new stuff out. The guild "Warcraftpets" is up and running.. Want invite... Look for "Dakendra" or "Datundra", my mains from Live WcP Guild.. or add me to friends with battle tag Dakender#1566
Bad thing is that every single one of them says DROP: DRAENOR.... And I can't at the moment find very many of them to farm. There are a few right before you build your garrison, I camped them for about 2 hours and nothing... Maybe in the new zones to come.
Well at least it is in the Pet Journal.
Sea Calf
Profession: Fishing
Got mine this morning, logged on and not a single person in the zone, flew up the the entrance of AQ and there it was waiting for me.
I did move my toon Ærogastria to Ravenholdt :) So you can add me to the list of people you can contact if you want to try a very low populated and awesome realm for pet hunting. Still not 100% sure how the joinging works or who moves to where, but if you do, I hope I can help
Wife got her rare yesterday (Durotan) between 2 and 4pm cst. Loged on today and got my rare, same time frame.
Say what you want about place holders, luck or what ever ;) But, when I got to the beach, there were NO battle pets up, killed all the little lvl 1 critters, did a loop up Moa'ki Harbor to kill some rabbits ;) then back, when I got back, all the critter had respawned, 6 of them were now battle pets. And 1 of them was my RARE :)
Leveling Pets ! ! !