Its possible to solo with a hunter by quickly killing the first set of mobs and then MC him. Using a pattern that gradually takes Razorgore away from you kill as many eggs as possible. Before you go into MC set a flame trap to burn down some of the mobs. After the first MC kill the mobs and MC Razorgore again and get the rest of the eggs down. Usually only takes two rounds of MC.
Posted: December 20, 2012 12:08:26 AM
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Rating: +1
Its possible to solo with a hunter by quickly killing the first set of mobs and then MC him. Using a pattern that gradually takes Razorgore away from you kill as many eggs as possible. Before you go into MC set a flame trap to burn down some of the mobs. After the first MC kill the mobs and MC Razorgore again and get the rest of the eggs down. Usually only takes two rounds of MC.