Diamonddave's Comments
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Nice April Fools! :)
I would like to thank Rusti and Wakamaru (sorry couldn't find WCP profile) for all their hard work on this venture. This is really an awesome thing you are doing and I am so thankful for the pets I was able to adopt. I plan to try and donate more pets in the future, I only had multiples of a couple and I leveled them up to 15 to make sure they were house trained and people friendly before they found their forever homes. Thanks again for this wonderful service!! :) ♥
Gals and Guys in case you hadn't noticed this pet is the perfect capture ability pet. Superbark fine print: (This attack cannot reduce the opponent's health below 1.)
I am dedicating today to leveling my new cute little luvabwle pwuppy! :)
I just got my Mini Thor (Name:Mjölnir) to 25 and I love this pet, for pet capturing he's my defacto tank, and sometimes spank. While leveling from 22-25 I could many times take down the entire 3 pets with just him. Now to work on leveling the rest of my pets... taking a four year break after cataclysm.. not a good idea LOL
Wow March 2016 to November 2016 without logging in and updating my collection been a busy year; Started a new Job in October, and moved in August, been crazy not getting much time to play and on top of all that a new expansion and I'm sadly not even prepared to think about all the pets I need to get in Legion as I'm still trying to deal with ones I need from Draenor; Got virtual ticket to get Knight-Captain Murky and Legionnaire Murky, and finished watching the streams I cared to watch this morning So happy that Allen Adham is back!!! I hope we see some re-vamp to all of Azeroth with him back in the picture; With phasing, sharding, and level normalization I hope we get a complete overhaul to Vanilla and all past expansions; <3 WCP