Egbert's Comments
(9) comments by Egbert
Comments by Date (9)
I was looking for the best breed of rare. I went up and down the coast several times a day, but there would only be 5 or 6 there, never rares, and they would take forever to respawn. Then I went at 9am server time and the beach was crawling with them! The 4th rare I found was the breed I was looking for. Hope this helps =)
I have spent a lot of time, on several occasions now, trying to find a rare Borean Marmot, and I can't for the life of me! Anyone else having the same problem? Seriously, A LOT of grinding and NO rares!
And, yes, I am in exactly the right area. They are everywhere, just no rares!
I listened to everyones advice about going in early morning. I cleared the "Caves" over and over, night after night, and never found a rare. Came back @ 11am server time, to battle the pet tamer, and the cave was loaded; Found a rare my first try!
I know, it sucks to hear conflicting information, just sayin'
I found my rare easily at 1:20am server time, under a tree in Northern Barrens, at 53.8, 65.3.
Happy Hunting =)
I found a rare at 12:50am server time, north of Akhenet Fields. They are around water or as added pets everywhere (in Uldum).
I have found, when searching for a rare, staring desperately at the top right corner of my screen, holding my breath, and pleading for it to turn blue, does not help.
However, when battling a rare, if you're afraid your last hit is going to kill it by mistake, closing your eyes and turning away does seem to help. Good Luck =)
This was a hard one to get as a rare. I finally found mine around Orsis (Uldum). It seems that it only shows up as a main pet, not an added pet. Good luck =)
Has anyone found a rare? If so, where?
I'm assuming all Mr. Chilly's are uncommon unless a stone is used???
I found 4 @ 64:57 @ 12 noon server time. I had looked around a lot before with absolutely no luck.