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Erossavia's Comments

(2) comments by Top RaterErossavia

Status Update (1)

Ugh. Pets, love them as I do, have taken a backseat to life lately much like WoW has. One health crisis after another has kept me from being able to hold my spot on the rankings list. I just can't be bothered to care all that much right now. I have to get my health under control or digital pets won't matter anymore anyway.

Posted: August 10, 2017 7:13:25 PM

Additional Comments by Date (1)

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Wow, this feels like Blizzard trying to suck the fun out of pet collecting. Playing alts is all fine and dandy. Requiring that much of a time sink (maxing out THREE weapons?) is not fun and no longer qualifies that toon as an alt. I'm all for new pets (who among us isn't), but how about putting some realistic requirements on getting them instead? Grinding is not fun. Depending on RNG is not fun. Having to switch mains and focus almost solely on a toon you might not even like is ridiculous.

Posted: February 18, 2017 5:18:42 AM   |   Edits: 0   |   Rating: +6
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