Glittermurky's Comments
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Captured a level 9 one today on Emerald Dream. It was a secondary pet to a Darkmoon Glowfly.
Found a TON of these at The Twilight Breach at 8:30 am server time.
Found about 8 of them at 12:01 am server time. There were 4 people in the area (including myself). Cleared them out pretty fast but they respawned about 5 minutes later.
Found right at Frostwind Gorge, all the way south in Winterspring.
Found in the Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj. Strangely enough he was by himself when I founght him. No extra pets.
Found several rightwhen I flew in to Emerald Sanctuary.
Caught this little guy at 10:45 pm server time so I don't think he is time specific since a lot of people also caught him in the morning and afternoon. Did have to clear out a lot of other pets in the area though before he finally spawned.
For those of you eager beavers like me, this pet does not spawn until 8:00 pm server time. I flew out to the area about 7:30 ST figuring it was pretty much night time, but nothing. Stayed and at 8 pm exactly 3 spawned where I was.
Found a ton of these at Webwinder Hollow at 9:50 AM server time.
Having a ton of fun getting new pets in Warlords! Can't wait for 6.1!