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Goblinoed's Comments

(3) comments by Goblinoed

Comments by Date (3)

1-3 of 3
Got this little guy last night! Been farming on and off for months, but everytime i went to TB there was already someone there...and a trail of dead foxes were all i would find :( Last night i was there alone (the joy of the first day of childrens week :P ) after 3 laps of Tol Barad he dropped :D Good luck all :)
Posted: April 30, 2012 2:22:19 AM   |   Edits: 0   |   Rating: 0
Got this tonight, been a few places for this in the past, but always favoured Swamp of Sorrows. Good little run, got the oozing bag off a mireglob, and on this run (as i only go randomly) on my 20th oozeling (4th bag) There he was :D Good Luck :D
Posted: April 15, 2012 4:54:36 PM   |   Edits: 0   |   Rating: 0
After only half an Hr farming i got my lovely whelpling :D in wetlands, found a line of 4 whelps that re spawned fast, was a lot faster than i dared hoped for :D
Posted: January 30, 2012 4:07:21 PM   |   Edits: 0   |   Rating: +1
1-3 of 3
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