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Grutania's Comments

(2) comments by Grutania

Comments by Date (2)

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Wow, crazy. The last pet I need, fly down onto the island expecting a long wait, and it starts to rain! Accidently killed the first baby ape (poor), caught the second one (common) and it stopped apes up for under 2 minutes.

Posted: July 05, 2013 6:51:33 PM   |   Edits: 0   |   Rating: +1

Just got my uncommon Giraffe calf! It wasn't with a pack and wasn't wandering, it was standing with a single Dusthoof Giraffe at 44, 43. Hurrah!

Posted: July 04, 2013 10:29:21 PM   |   Edits: 0   |   Rating: 0
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