Jenak's Comments
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Wonderful news with the conversion gamewide to the polished pet charms and increasing the stack size. I mean, I'm trying to save the 10k polished pet charms for the flawless amethyst baubleworm in Oribos.
The plushie (which does NOT come with an in-game code) will have $10.00 of its price donated to the charities.
Really big and strong pockets to be carrying a million gold. the silkie chick the money, then go buy pets and mounts?
With updated model for the rabbit and not prairie dog, the wonderful little spot near Thunder Bluff is going to be wiped out. :(
I am used to seeing the paw over the pets you can battle. This fellow didn't have one, so I never even thought to check.
I was a little redundant with my group - I had the Terrible Turnip (Weakening Blow) and the Molten Corgi (Superbark). Low level - mine ended up being level 3 after I caught it.
Wish I could be there! I wonder how many will show up with a plushie pet? :D Who will BE a pet?
Crossing fingers that it will be one pet that is Knight-Captain if you summon on Alliance toon, and Legionnaire when you are Horde. :)
Is that Khadgar with a collar???
Wonderful pet to have as part of a Howl team - worth the gold!
(My Howl team: Unborn Val'kyr, Pandaren Water Spirit, Chrominius)
Down with Stitches, Jr!!
Moonlit Shore between Elodor and Temple of Karabor: Moonshell Crabs. At the time I discovered, there were over 10 crabs all around. It was evening and raining. All crabs I found were uncommon rarity, and breed is unknown. Correction: Found a few poor quality crabs up close to the temple walls.
Believe it or not, but I found a level 1 common Ash Viper as I flew over SW towards Burning Steppes. It was found in a flat area in the mountains before you get to the more "finished" parts. I don't think I had crossed over at that point, but the snake does move.
Single run so far in MC. 1/3 pets
This pet dropped, but none of the others. I'll try later with another toon.
I found this pet in the Silk Cocoon that was created when I made windwool bolts into imperial silk along with the piece of imperial silk.
I thought I was close to having most of the pets I can get. Then I took at look at the Wanted list. I still have a looong way to go.