Kandystryper's Comments
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check the AH as the price has dropped quite a bit - several up for under 60k and even as low as 35k on various realms
after following the wowhead guide for the pebbles collecting and then upgrading my Uuna (non-combat pet from legion) i was concerned about the actual fight but once I saw that baa'l was a magic pet, I queued up my 3 rabbits with flurry, dodge, and stampede and turned out with the Uuna debuff, it was my brown rabbit that solo'd Baa'l ftw :) I dodged, then stampeded then flurry for the kill. Baa'l appears in your bags afterwards for you to learn. good luck! :)
so far shows up as s/b and p/s - found in Nazmir -esp near Nazwatha area as secondary pet
so far shows up as H/H and H/B
for celestial tourney, i used skybo H/S (2,1,1) iron starlett H/P (1,2,1) and lil bling (2,-,1) skybo was the only one that died and my other 2 were over 1/2 health
[didn't have the collection of lvl 25 pets prior and then I took a yr off due to serious RL issues so I am soo late to this party lol]
after about 5 failed attempts following all the strats on 3 different pages, I finally managed to kill Yu'la using murkimus the gladiator (1,1,1), hogs (1,2,-) and bonkers H/s (1,2,1) using the dodges just before Liftoff (murkimus has 2 dodges in the form of shield block and heroic leap) my 3 bigglesworth died earlier in the tourney so it was difficult for me - don't use em til yu'la ^.^
it is July 2018 and the price on this pet in AH is pretty nuts - did they reduce the droprate? I was away frm WoW for a year due to RL issues and returned during the free weekend.
she isn't showing up for me on my lvl 43 horde priest but my other toons see her that are over lvl 100 - I notice some are saying they are lvling up as low as lvl 28 with her... very curious indeed and sad for me :( (i even disabled all addons thinking that might be the reason but that didn't help either - only the hut is seen)
**updated to note wowhead suggests the following: "To get access to this quest you have to do one Battle Pet Tamer quest.
Alliance has two quests started by Audrey Burnhep in Stormwind.
Horde has two quests started by Varzok in Orgrimmar."
I will give that a try and see if it is correct and will post the results.
after 2 pet quests (battled 2 random Pet Battlemasters) I finally saw Crysa :) wowhead info was correct
Finally got her in a trade ^.^ - thanks to Guccimane! <3
My only issue with this pet is her size - way too tiny for a sea calf even tho in Nature the males tend to be the bigger ones...still would be nice to have the sea calf a bit bigger upon summoning. Just a tip if you can't seem to find one on your server, the Brazilian server, Azralon, seems to have at least 7 up at any one time. So far I have seen 4 different breeds: P/B, B/B, S/B, H/B
ty so much for the locs :) - it is one spot the pettracker addon did not have marked for these - found them exactly at 23, 60
[Horde]I'm sure others found them easier but what I did was: head to Orgrimmar Valley of Strength innkeeper - she sells the ice cold milk, then I went to Dalaran cooking trainer area - the vendor that sells cooking recipes next to him sells the simple flour, (also sold in at the Goblin area in Orgrimmar next to the cooking trainer there for lower level toons) then I went to Chapman in Dalaran as well - he is sandwiched between the stairs to Tanaris Portal and Enchanting Trainer. Bought his marigold bouquet, equipped it, used it and did the simple quest right there for the pet. He sells the bread of the dead recipe. Then I typed /dance with Catrina for the achieve. Oh for those with toons that don't have cooking, even tho the bread is of limited use and cannot be mailed, a friend found that if you place them in the guild bank, they can then be taken out by others ^.^ (he IS cageable)
anyone else hear *you son of a B(female dog)H!* when he is summoned sometimes? :x
This pet is cageable according to wowhead ^.^
does not disappear when you mount on your water strider ;) yay! and yes there's 2 breeds s/s and b/b
Finally got one on oceanic server - their nighttime is EST daytime so at 4:35am server (2:45pm my time) a common popped a few feet from the summoning stone (59.3, 6.8) that I fixed with a flawless I saved just for this pet - there was only about 3 other people flying around which was fortunate. Also, out of sheer boredom, I was doing pvp pet battles and when I saw the guardling pop, had forgotten to add my turnip - the guardling had 700 something health and my lvl 25 mech pet dragon's breath ability was just enough on one shot to pop the basket for capture (whew I was nervous) :) it is an H/S
Much luck to those still trying to get it!
Heads up for those that were unsure or didn't know: This pet can only drop from Normal or Heroic difficulty, unlike other companions that come from Throne of Thunder. So forget LFR :( I guess I will get him in about ohhh..6mos lol
Anyone else notice that some opponent's pets' root/stun will still work even during Arcane Storm? Is this a bug or is it a chance to prevent (which it doesn't say). For ex. a Fosslized Hatchling's Bone Prison was able to work even tho my Arcane Storm was up with 3 rounds to go.
Makco from <F O C U S> on Quel'Thalas is awesome! I was on my usual rounds of Northrend since 5.3 popped seeking the Unborn Val'kyr around Icecrown when I got a /w from out of the blue asking if I needed to tame one and if so, it was by the path near Star's Rest in Dragonblight. (28, 55) - I flew over asap and was able to tame a green! YAY! So happy right now ^.^ Thank you Makco!
1:25am Sunday morning May 26 Quel'Thalas PVE (US) B/B breed
Used vs strongest dmg opponents (Aquatic), this is a killer pet! Very unique looking as well and so glad, unlike others, that Blizz lowered the height because no one could see it properly before. Biscuits that are used to increase its size make it an imposing presence! It will strike lightning down to you not only in rainy weather but also when you go into fountains, rivers and streams as my lowbie toon found out in Scarlet Monestary! A very fun pet and used wisely, a formidable battle pet! Slicing Wind + FlyBy with the Flying passive ability are an excellent combo with no cds. ATM only 2.7% have this pet and many of the comments are pre 5.2 - would be great to hear from those that use it in battle post 5.2 :)
He indeed hits like a truck. Some AoE lightning breath, mostly melee dmg.
North most area in water on Isle of Shan'ze Dao in Towne Long Steppes. Loc 25, 6. Look for the 2 caged cloudrunner hatchlings by the top of the cliff.
A few pointers that helped a group of 4 (War tank, Monk healer, Mage and me - shad priest)
There is a small rock area you can sit and rest and tag him & helps to reset if things are going bad and to drink up on a corpse run. Nearly a direct line after a slight turn if you do die.
You need to be in the water for the fight, just prepare to see him rise above it once engaged. AoE damage will aggro 2 small reef pincer crabs that are easy to kill but you will not aggro anything else.
He respawned approx 5-10 min
I got lucky and won the roll - thank you <Pirates of the Blackwater> - they know to call on me if they need assistance :)
So it seems there is a ploy going on of using a trio of mr bigglesworth and spamming ice barrier and frustrating your opponents into a cheap forfeit. I streamed a *battle* on twitch (it will be up for 30 days) if you care to see this yourself. I stayed for a little over an hour before I decided I made my point and have it on record. I don't advise people to use this cheap tactic. I know for a fact that others are reporting it to Blizzard. They clearly had no intention of fighting - just causing a futile situation. To see the action yourself, head to www.twitch.tv/intrimazz