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Lumee23's Comments

(1) comment by Lumee23

Status Update (1)

Timeless Isle Pets Left:



Flamering Moth

Jadefire Spirit

Ruby Droplet

Sky Latern

Skywisp Moth

Spineclaw Crab



Raid Pets: - Finally unlocked the last wing of SOO. Time to start working on Kovak/BB

Blackfuse Bombling

Droplet of Y'Shaarj


Living Fluid

Viscous Horror


Up Next:

Rotten Little Helper

Moon Moon

Stone Armadillo - I have been struggling to login at night. Apparently 7:30pm isn't considered night yet because there weren't any there. This is the last pet I need for my safari achievements. Going to try again tonight.


Thundering Serpent Hatchling - Thank you Magical Menagerie!!!!

Posted: January 06, 2014 9:33:52 AM

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