Malanade's Comments
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Okay, after using him on my team for a while- Drakks is pretty decent! There are definitely less 'chance based' pets you can use in place of him, but if you can get a Cataclysm off [50% change] followed by a Tail Sweep, it two hits a lot of trash mobs.
His biggest plus is how his unique interactions are very cute, and he does feel more like a traveling buddy rather than a proper battle pet. I feel like I'm watching a little dragon adventurer fighting his first battles.
Got two level 90 hunters(including myself) and a level 90 warrior from the guild and ran this on normal mode. While they ran around and cleared I followed behind them and got the golden hoplings with the macro (which helped so much!). Because we did this as we cleared, I went through 8 bottles of the drink. But it was really easy to clear!
Was doing the daily for him for the first time (which is bugged for some reason, once you do it it won't come back) and he dropped. I may not be having luck in finding certain things but he's something I'm happy about.
He was sitting at the little ledge at the North West part of part of the mainland in the Steppes for those who have lost him.
Well that was absolutely terrifying. I finally managed to get one poor quality one before the cross realms went down for matience. I'm not sure what was up because the servers kept sending me to another server (my companion pet kept putting itself out and all the npcs kept changing) and I saw one and just dove for it.
I am so happy right now I can't even explain it.
Since I had the hardest time with this Battle Tamer, I decided to pick him up first and just farm the daily bag for the others... They're AHable, but I don't know why anyone would want to get rid of this cutie.
Got one right before the server went down for matience, they all just popped up! Since I was the only one there I just flew around and managed to find an uncommon in a sea of greys.
I have found a single poor quality owl flying between Timbermaul Hold and Starfall Village up in a clearing. Not really much of a bother, though, I honestly just wanted to be able to find and tame one C: I have all winter to find a rare.
Only need the Minfernal now for the title, but goodness if everyone else in the world doesn't need it too.