Mayhemia's Comments
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Necrolords is Dregs
Having done a number of bee events since Papi started dropping I would say the drop rate is about 1 in 20, or 1 in 30, from fresh jelly. I am mostly seeing one person in raid getting it each event.
For folks who come here for info on trying to get this pet. Not sure how true it is buy I read a 1:100 drop chance in the bag.
Which accounts for high AH prices.
I so want flashy fred...make it happen!
I am not sure if it makes a difference, but the first tron you fight varies. It was only when magnatron was first did the pet drop for me after about 15 tries.
Step five in the rogue quest line for obtaining your champion from 'champion of legionfall' questline awards the pet.
Chain starts from The Pirate's Bay in The Hall of Shadows. Quest can be picked up from Lord Joarch Ravenholdt.
You will need to meet all the pre-requisites to do the champion of legionfall questline.
Found 5 poor quality at 83:27, in the lowest part of the gully. 12:30pm server time. I did not do anything special, they were there when I turned up. I was glad after reading these comments :)
The snakes spawn most next to the hills, found 6 spawns following the mountain range between binan village and shado pan fall back. I thought about this having found a similar trick for catching the rat snake in Duskwood. The 'rat snake' spawns close to the hiils too.
Was not farming at all,,,,around my 10th bag. The blizzard luck gods were smiling on me today.
Pet collecting extremes.....several hours of Darkmoon racing to perfect split second timing until I am ready to throw my computer through the window. 5 minutes of noble garden egg collecting for a floating bowl of flowers.
You just never know what the next pet collection grind will make you go through.