Missescalla's Comments
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Just got mine, it took my husband helping me commit genocide of cobble shells about 3 hours, but I took the poor quality and stoned it. location.. 44, 75
I just had Squibbles drop after 12 attempts. Pretty happy about the drop rate, since I never had him drop on the PTR
Love him, I named mine Brundle!
I found this as a frontline pet. He did something that made himself die on the first turn. Will update if I can discern more.
Start the fight with a Dust Bunny, using smoke bomb. The rest is cake.
I wonder if someone could make a macro for summon/beckon Daisy. I love her. But the having to resummon and beckon all the time if frustrating.
Hubby and I within 10 minutes of each other got Lucy as a drop from the bats near the Grove of Terror/night market (Revendreth).. we had each killed over 300 bats trying to get the crimson dreadwing pup. So happy to have gotten her, but she came from regular loot. Just in case anyone else is looking for her. Maybe it was a glitch?
Just got him tonight. Some of the fights are just RNG fests so don't get discourgaged.
Just found him floating around in my bag. Not sure who or when he was dropped. BUT.. I LOVES HIM!
Just got mine. I love him.
**note** When I got there, the chest wasn't there. I exited the game and then logged back in and it was.
He appeared as a frontline pet, literally stalking the Night Market in the Grove of Terror.
He uses Haunt.. so don't give up the fight like I almost did. Because he will come back. In fact. I caged him in his undead phase.. which I wasn't even sure was allowed. But yay! Finished off my Shadowlands Safari.
I love everything about this pet. I can't say enough good things. His move set is fantastic.
Can't believe my luck tonight. Rotbreath and K'uddly dropped for me. This was my 26th attempt at Rotbreath. Love his move set.
Got him today, 62 tries. I LOVE him so much.
I can confirm I got it as a primary pet, at 57.15 47.61 at 1:10 am EST At the top of the giant rock.
UPDATE: 458 attempts later, I have finally acquired the Strange Humming Shard. July 4th 2020
I have been running three toons every time Kirin Tor comes up, for over three years and haven't got the quest yet. Is it still obtainable?
I got him a few weeks ago, and he is quirky. Sometimes he acts like a hearthstone. But most of the time, I can't use him as one.
You just need 1000 pets, it doesn't matter where or when they are from.
Sadly, the quest can no longer be shared with party members.
PET COLLECTORS RE: Lil' Ben' Fon For those of you who want to collect the Horde only pet.
It takes prep. 300 Polished Pet Charms in your backpack. Do a trial horde 110 boost
Once in Zandalar go up the road to 64, 37 where Monstrous Matchmaker Quest givers
Go back to (57, 32) where Happy Holaua is located .
I Logged out for the night Did not get the mail telling me it was there. Check he's in the shop. Log out, mail 300 charms to your boost. Buy him.
So if you set you war Research, on the Ship where you have to set your missions in Boralus. There is an option that lets you choose to obtain more Dubloons on Island Expeditions. I get on average 8-12 dubloons per sack of Dubloons. So it's not out of reach. I also do about 5 IE's a day. With nothing jazzy dropping. so excited to have something to save towards.
One day I will make a to-do list, but it is pretty much.. acquire all the pets I can without PVP honour ranks, which is just too intimidating.