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Mythrienne's Comments

(1) comment by Mythrienne

Comments by Date (1)

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Nerglish, a weekend Murkimus 3v3 team, is looking for a few more reliable players to knock out our 50 matches for the pet.

We'll be getting together on Saturdays at 2PM EST, starting on June 11th, and continuing until all members have their 50 matches.

If interested, look for Jinzashi on Arena Tournament 1, Horde-side, on Saturdays at 2PM EST, or feel free to contact my main, Dhara, on Dalaran-US; I'm on most weekday evenings.

Thanks, and good luck!
Posted: June 05, 2011 4:51:46 PM   |   Edits: 0   |   Rating: 0
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