Finally 2:15 am staghelm zul'drak spot right outside the instance. Just left stormpeaks ,came down the hill and my npc went off. Bam there was the cutie...white H/H insta rare with stone. Finally its over....3rd times the charm. Lost the 1st one to few seconds of game lag and the 2nd to a ally...
Posted: June 03, 2013 5:22:08 AM
Edits: 0
Rating: 0
Finally 2:15 am staghelm zul'drak spot right outside the instance. Just left stormpeaks ,came down the hill and my npc went off. Bam there was the cutie...white H/H insta rare with stone. Finally its over....3rd times the charm. Lost the 1st one to few seconds of game lag and the 2nd to a ally...