Neuropathy's Comments
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Not sure if it's intended, so this may change, but as of 9/2/17 he will also lob a one-shotting fireball at wild battle pets. So maybe don't have him summoned if you're approaching a pet to fight! xD
Posted: September 03, 2017 2:31:28 AM
Edits: 0
Rating: +5
Happiness cow made my morning, thank you :) Now I hope we get some sort of petals we can sprinkle on our pets for this effect!
Posted: April 01, 2016 11:10:55 AM
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Rating: 0
Re: Pygmy Cow
I used the tip from a commenter on wowhead. If your glass spawns on the 2nd floor, swap locations of your barn until it spawns on the 1st floor. Costs no resources to swap locations, and it's instant. I swapped it about 4 times until the glass spawned on the 1st floor. Took less than 5 minutes.
Posted: December 09, 2014 12:25:51 PM
Edits: 0
Rating: +12
1-3 of 3
In case people check here, but not the forums: I’m able to share the quest for the Vengeful Chicken. US, Horde side. All you have to do is accept quest & go pick him up in Booty Bay! :)
If anybody is interested, I can be added neuropathy#1329