Painwielder's Comments
(3) comments by
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1-2 of 2
This is a great pet both in looks and for battling. Granted you farm for the highest power breed (which shouldn't take long given the amount of them you can find) it has one of the highest power ratings I've seen for a flying type pet making it a very formidable battle companion.
Posted: January 01, 2013 8:49:31 PM
Edits: 0
Rating: +1
This pet will always be learned as uncommon (under the Miscellaneous --> Companion Pets tab of the auction house, this pet reads with blue text to imply that it's a rare though it's not, whereas under the Battle Pets tab, it is listed correctly as uncommon). To make it a rare, you'll need a battle-stone.
Though this pet is not at the top of my uncommon pet list to recieve a battle-stone upgrade, it's on there none the less; love using this guy in my pet battles.
Posted: January 01, 2013 5:58:42 PM
Edits: 0
Rating: +2
1-2 of 2
Got past the 400 pet achievement mark! Now, to get those 75 lvl 25 pets! Sheesh!