Pickles' Comments
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This is an interesting pet against wilds. I think they're all P/P, but he (she?) seems to hit like a ton of bricks against most. Between this and the red cricket I've been impressed (if you can keep them from getting bottled up by another pets abilities)
Indeed, finally dropped for me as well after 5 or so hours of farming.
The best respawn rates are near Okril'lon Hold and the mines to the immediate east. I never went into the mines themselves but there are about 4 separate clusters you can sit and AOE to maximize kills/minimize lookings. Very easy for a Mage with plenty of ranged spells. at level 100 these guys post very little threat to your overall health so you can't really be overwhelmed. now...for the crimson :)
I'd been focusing so much on how few Protectors were spawning in my mine I didn't realize that my Podlings could drop a pet too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Unfortunately I probably have killed 40 since I joined the expansion and nothing yet. Love blindness debuff... sneaky poison stuff.
I've killed so many orcs and dragonkind and still now drop. probably at least 15 hours of combined grinding. amazing.
hi! getting used to the new ExPac