Rainbowk's Comments
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All the more power to you GrannyGlee, good to see older players in the game! Have fun collecting!
Swifteagle on Skywall!
located one in Azsuna 29.71 25.34 also at 30.25 27.04 (have to climb on the rocks to reach the albatross )
5:28 AM server time on Skywall -- Gots BLUE OMG I'm shaking!!!
Finally got mine after killing umpteen non elites to get the elites to spawn, then after 5 elites killed it droped. Skywall server, between 2:30 am and 4:30 am. Hope this helps, happy hunting!
Where did you find this little beauty?
Thanks to info from your comments, I got mine. I did circle Lake Jademir.. BUT took me 4 hours! But I have it now :)
Livefreq I am with you, this battle is rigged! The monkey stuns every time, and hits 5 times in a row before I can get a shot off. The masters pets hit for over 1000! Something not right! LOL. However, that said I was lucky and squeeked out a win (with 35 health left on my last pet alive) and got the eye in my last attempt for the month. I will NEVER do this battle again!
Battle team: Wild Jade Hatchling against the Eye, Crimson Geode against the tonk and Spiny Terrapin against the monkey.
Caught mine at the Neverrest Pinnacle, in the storm area, common (Skywall server) (Careful the snow storm can cause damage)
My philosophy on pets is thus: enjoy them! Period! If you are always striving to be better than someone else how can you enjoy your collection!