Reirei's Comments
(11) comments by Reirei
Status Update (1)
Additional Comments by Date (10)
This would be great to have in the EU.
This pet is one of my favourites to fight with. It's a fast breed and it's moves are quite good. It's definetly worth the upgrade if you have a stone around!
It's also a broom.
If Summer Bass is anything to go from, we'll be able to catch this from the 20th of March.
Took me quite a while to find one of these as a secondary pet. Then I got two in a row. Sadly they were poor quality.
I found many of these at the Yeti Cave at 55/57 ish. They were both outside and inside the cave.
These pets are gorgeous. I just wish we had an infinite dragon mount to go along with them!
I found loads outside of CoT, way more than inside.
Found one of these as a secondary pet to Dusk Spiderling at 5:30pm server time. It took a while to find and it was rare.
There are a lot of these on Windward Isle.
Only found one of these on my server. Usually my server has lots of rare pets up as we don't really have CRZ and it's rather small with very few pet battlers. This will be a pain to get a rare of, that's for sure!
Winter is at different times of the year depending on which part of the earth you're on.
In Ireland the seasons are nice and even :D Nov-Jan = winter, Feb-April = spring, May-July = Summer and August - Oct = Autumn.
But who knows when Blizz want their winter to be. Probaby just an excuse because they don't have time to fix a bug.
Loving the pet battle menagerie building! Got 3 at level 3 so far. Also just got Invincible and bought a Mottled Drake, so my collection is good. I'm just hoping for good health in this new year :)