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Riixie's Comments

(4) comments by Riixie

Status Update (1)

Need caffine

Posted: May 13, 2013 12:26:00 PM

Additional Comments by Date (3)

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Gave up farming bugs in outland.  Randomly saw in on BMAH one day....2,680g later.... *happy face*


Starting bid is 1,000g

Seller: Breanni !!!!


(as a side note, during BC these babies sold for roughly 20-40k on my server)

Posted: April 16, 2013 11:32:28 PM   |   Edits: 0   |   Rating: 0



Zookeeper is not the only achievement that has you waiting a year.  May I cite "What a Long, Strange Trip It's Been."  And I highly doubt they released the entire expansion a week after summer is over purely because of a window for a pet.


I am perfectly happy with the three month window of summer to capture this guy.  After all, Patience is a virtue and anything worth having is worth waiting for.

*editted a typo

Posted: October 25, 2012 5:45:17 PM   |   Edits: 1   |   Rating: +16

I think these only spawn after 18:00 server. 


I spent 3-4 hours around lunch time one day looking for them and nada.

I come back after raid one night (21:00~), I see a few.  I looked both on top (The Toxic Airfield) and in New Gnomergan.

Posted: October 18, 2012 12:03:30 AM   |   Edits: 0   |   Rating: 0
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