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Saxonae's Comments

(1) comment by Saxonae

Status Update (1)


I'm looking for a fellow Horde pet collector on Alterac Mountains to swap Argent Tournament pets. I currently have Human, Gnome, Night Elf and Dwarf unlocked, and will be a few days away from unlocking Draeni. I will be able to trade 1 pet every 4 days (or all at once if you see this message any time after October 1st, or maybe even before that).

I'm currently working on getting the Champion Seals to buy my Dun Morogh Cub, as well as doing nearly the full set of Molten Front dailies to get my 30 marks for Zen'vorka's Cache for my shot at Searing Scorchling.

Past that, I don't really have much planned aside from getting the Turtle and balloon when the next DMF hits.

Posted: August 27, 2012 3:58:43 AM

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