Sephira's Comments
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Normally I love my country. But right now I wish I didn't live in Denmark so I could get this little fella!
I usually have some trouble with this guy. But I think I've found a steady team now. I use:
- Flayer Youngling (humanoid)
- Shore Crab (Aquatic)
- Softshell Snapling (Aquatic)
I used 2xheals through my two aquatic pets and it kept me alive to beat him. Good luck :)
I personally think this is the hardest 'boss' to beat out of all the spirit ones. I have died plenty of times here almost ripping out all my hair out in anger but, I finally found a steady way to beat him. I use:
- Shore Crab (Aquatic)
- Flayer Youngling (Humaniod)
- Wild Jade Hatchling (Dragonkin)
I start off with the crab against the earth spirit and then I use the flayer youngling for the slimeling thingy and I finish with the Jade hatchling vs. the rat where the "call lightning" comes in handy
I agree with 'Frantor'. I do not think this was the hardest one either compared to the earth one. I used:
- Mirror Strider (Aquatic)
- Flayer Youngling (Humaniod)
- Water waveling (Elemental)
All of the above are rare. I find it much more helpful to have rares when fighting battle-pet trainers/masters :)
Such an adorable pet. The trainer is located in Dread Wastes(but it's pretty much at the border to Krasarang wild) on an island that is sort of connected to the wall. He stands all alone almost at the end on the island :) I used:
- Guardian Cub (Flying)
- Flayer youngling (humanoid)
- Shore Crab (Aquatic)
Good luck on getting it <3
There are a lot of Rattlesnakes to be found near the river (pretty much in the river) in Twilight Highlands. I've battled about 30 and I haven't found any rares yet.. Only uncommon. Hopefully I will find one soon :)
I've found them to be pretty much spread out in the entire forest. Haven't found any near the river to Duskwood though. Found a few at Eastvale logging camp but yeah I'd just advise you to fly around the forest :)
Happy catching!
The snow was for me hard to detect because when I flew around there was not much snow to be seen but as soon as I stopped flying and stood still a while it was snowing a lot. So I figured my graphics may be low. Anyway, it snowed and they spawned pretty much everywhere in Storm Peaks at 23:00 server time. I caught an uncommon Fox after three tries. Not lucky enough to find a rare yet..
Happy catching!
They are ALL over the place in Uldum a long the river. I just caught a rare at 02:30 server time after being there for about 15 mins. But I'd suggest you'd catch it in Uldum since it saves the hassle of leveling it a bit. Happy taming! :)
- Seph ♡
Just caught a rare near the river above "akhenet fields". They spawn many places and comes as second pets as well. Was only in the zone for 15 mins till' I found it. Happy taming!
- Seph ♡
Just found a rare (after two hours of searching) near the temple of the red crane. I honestly almost lost all hope and as I was about to call it quits for now I got one. So if you're having a hard time finding a rare (like I did) don't give up it's there, hiding!
- Seph ♡
I would recommend people to catch it in grizzly hills. It saves you the hazzle of leveling it a lot. Since in grizzly they are around lvl 20. They come in as secondary to the grizzly squirrel.
Happy farming! :)
Found a rare one at 11:33 AM server time. It had 1095 health and was lvl 22. I think it's rather low health but go figure. I found it near the dragon skeletons close to wyrmrest temple. It's so cute and that's all I need haha :D
Happy catching!
- Seph
I just caught a rare Clefthoof Runt 01:20 server time to the west of Laughing Skull ruins. It was a lvl 18 and had 1155 health.
I had gone back and forth to Nagrand and not had any luck finding any Runts at all. But as I was in the area I decided to pop by and see if it was there. I saw it on the minimap and thought YAY it exists - caught it and discovred it was rare! Hope I can pass on my luck.
- Seph ❤
Its so cute. I just caught a rare one today at 00:28 server time it was lvl 24 and had around 1140 health as I recall. It was a secondary pet to the dragon hatchlings around The Arboretum. It's so cute and will go well with my mount from the Anglers (once i've acquired that)
Happy hunting guys!
- Seph ❤
These little guys are adorable. I've seen most of them in the "orangey" area on the map, however they also come as secondary ones if you fight an Arctic Hare or the Oily Slimelings. I caught my rare one near Warsong Granary.
Happy hunting :)
- Seph ❤
Oh my I've spend around 24 hours surveying this area for this cute little guy. And I finally got him! I only catch RARE ones which is why I spend so much time here, anyway it had 1277 health and I caught it on Tarren Mill today at 17:40 GT.
He's so cute! I hope you'll catch your Rhino baby too
- Seph ❤
Yesterday I didn'ts see any at all. But today I went there at 12:20 server time on Tarren Mill and there were loads. Got my little Jade Hatchling in Rare quality. Its so cute!
Rare had 1200 something health at lvl 23
Happy catching!
Beautiful birdies :) I just caught a rare one at 20:55 Server Time near Starfall village. Took me five tries to find a rare though'. But im sure with persistence you'll all get one! Happy catching
- Seph ♡
Hello lovelies! Here is a little overview of what I am currently working on.
Latest Pets Obtained:
- Baby Ape
- Zao, Calfling of Niuzao
- Gregarious Grell
Latest Achievement Earned:
- Merciless Pet Brawler
- Eastern Kingdoms Safari
- World Safari
- All the Celestial tournament pets
- All pets from Timeless Isle
- Overall: 527/585
- Rookie Pet Crew 22/30
- Pro Pet Mob 43/70
- Vengeful Pet Brawler 12/50
- Master Pet Brawler 157/250
Waiting For:
- Day of the Dead to obtain "Macabre Marionette"
- Christmas to obtain "Rotten Little Helper"
- Blizzcon to begin to obtain the murlog