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Skyquake's Comments

(1) comment by Site MVPSkyquake

Status Update (1)

Logged into my alt parked on the Island of Rainless Skies and behold: a spring shower.  Caught an Uncommon Baby Monkey before it dried up, then ran the alt parked at Major Payne to the Land of Snow Below... and snow was falling from above!  Caught an Uncommon Arctic Fox Kit six seconds before the skies cleared up.  A few hours later in Trade, I barked for a cheap Magical Crawdad (I want two) and a 35K Crawling Claw like a bazillion times before, and I got replies so fast both sellers ended up in the same group.  Now to level the Crawdad and group two with a Terrible Turnip for a Sunshine crew with more Hit Points than the Hulk and healing 50% twice every 5 rounds.  Yay.

Posted: March 24, 2013 7:58:02 PM

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