Soto's Comments
(9) comments by Soto
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My hubby and I also took her down together. Can confirm that if you just wait a few seconds after the first person loots the next person can also nab the egg. So don't worry if someone line jumps you; it doesn't impact your ability to acquire this little one at all.
He dropped 1 pet for our 5-man group today and 2 ilevel 620 neck pieces. The pet is BoP, so make sure you warn helpful but non-pet-oriented friends who want to pass to someone else that it needs to be caged. GL!
North of Pinchwhistle really is the place to look, but I saw several scattered around the zone too, so keep your eyes open. I don't think they're actually all that rare, they just don't tend to be found in large groups.
Also, they can do some real damage against the wrong team so make sure you have a pet capable of taking it's hits if your trap fails a lot. Sprite Darter was perfect.
Happy hunting! ^_^
Found my rare as a secondary to a Savory Beetle in Krasarang.
To answer some questions:
1). Weather is random. The developers deliberately made the effects impossible to predict because they did not want players to be able to time weather. So don't tear your hair out trying to find the magic method. RNG pure and simple. :/
2). Snowflakes will sometimes only appear when you stop moving, almost as though you are "out-flying" the graphic. So definately check your minimap or the pet visuals to make sure!
I love this site, but from what I can tell the drop rate listed right now (1/110) is incorrect. According to other major sources the Gundrak Hatchling is closer to 1/1000. Boo. :P. Still, it's better odds than the sea turtle (from Hell's heart, I swear to God).
Update: over 1600 and counting. Yeah....
Did not properly appreciate this little guy until I got his final ability. When I did, he became the heavy hitter of his team, able to 1 shot almost any wild pet opponent if I howled before a hit. His adorable resting animations are just a bonus.
Loved this guy in the mid levels for catching wild rares much lower level than it. Got my rare little black ram with it easy as pie since it's starting abilities let me heal, mitigate dmg, and pick lightly at enemy HP without worying about killing my targets. And he's adorably colorful.
Ecstatic! Was fried from the Gundrak Hatchling grind so went to check AH and call it a night when loh and behold!! Someone had posted a Deviate Hatchling for 50g and another person for 25g! Then, I saw a Mulgore Hatchling for 150g (I play alliance)! I am feeling very lucky now instead of resigned. Gotta love great finds (I do feel a little guilty, though for buying all three...)