My Pet Collection
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Steellace's Comments

(2) comments by Steellace

Status Update (1)

I tamed the last Broken Isles Safari pet today!  I have worked on getting the little guy to spawn every chance I get, and he finally popped up today.  As soon as I could do world quests, I started doing the pet ones, and I'm really enjoying them.  I still have reputation-based pets to purchase and others to get, but I think I'm doing well with all the new ones.  I used to wait until I had my toons to max level before evening thinking of pet collections, but I couldn't resist this time.  I'm loving Legion!  :-)

Posted: October 02, 2016 1:15:01 PM

Additional Comments by Date (1)

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When I used my crate today, I planned to cancel battles and kill the non-rares as is normal in other battles (and mentioned here by others). However, I was unable to kill any of the spawned Sumprush Rodents. The only way to "remove" them to force respawns was to defeat them. I don't know if this is a permanent change they've made, or if it was a glitch. I managed to get a rare of both colors, but it took much longer having to complete each battle.

Posted: November 04, 2013 6:20:12 PM   |   Edits: 0   |   Rating: +1
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