Stormwings' Comments
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I only recently resubbed after a 9 month absence, and I am unsure if my server was glitching or if there was a chance to Minfernal spawns...because I've been camping for a rare to upgrade my green with no luck for a year. Today, I went there and there were about 10-12 Minfernal spawns in the usual area around the Shatter Scar Vale fel ponds. I found a rare on my fifth engagement. It might be worth checking out if you had given up hope in case you get lucky like I did! I hope this is permanent!!
I've been using the Celestial Tournament guide using only 18 pets that has you use the zeppelin, water spirit, and chrominius to plow through each celestial. I just got my second pet this week, so thank goodness I only need to do it 6 more weeks in order to get the crane and ox! I was not having fun in the tournament as I'm more of a collector than a battler and I felt stuck for months until I found that guide. :(
Case in point, I hit honored late last night. Got the pet. Summoned him, and logged. The next day I logged on, and for some reason when I hearthed to Stormwind he got "called" again- thus resetting the timer though I'd not chosen to summon him!
Gratz on a great pet you deserve, and here's wishing we'll get a neat gem pet at some point! :D
I'm too afraid to use my fuel unless I know someone else is around I can battle. So they're just gathering dust in my bank, waiting for the day my bot can cry havoc and let loose the dogs of war!
But for the life of me the only thing I can think of when I see this lashling is "Pet Shop of Horrors!" A beak, thorns, creepy tentacles...
Back after a hiatus, just in time for Blizzcon 2016 and Day of the Dead (which I've missed every year for a few years now! :( )