Tale's Comments
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That was a really big fumble by Blizzard for how they handled Gill'el. Just terrible.
Garbage move, Blizzard. Super annoying.
Well, heck. I probably should have thought to wait for the patch to see how it changed things before just dumping a couple hundred thousand gold on the Island Expedition pets on the Auction House. Was getting so frustrated with farming.
Another change that wasn't mentioned here (and I'm not even sure is in patch notes) but you can no longer do management of wild battle pet spawns. Kind of annoying when there's a field full of common and poor pets that really no one will want.
Do not surprised when a nerf for Pheromones comes. Enjoy it while you can.
Be sure to log in during the Day of the Dead holiday, November 1st through 3rd, to do the simple quest for him.
I like the pet a lot, except for its breed.
Shame that it only comes in two uninteresting breeds, H/H and B/B. Though I suppose we should be happy that means we won't have to spend even more time searching out a better breed.
Ack, too little room for the comment I wanted, so here are some tips beyond what Kirnsten said:
1) If you don't need anything from other bosses, skip them; you no longer need to kill them all for Vashj's console to operate.
2) Phase 1 lasts until Vashj is 70%. Save DPS boosts with more than a 3 min cooldown.
3) In phase 2 you disable the pylons with Tainted Cores from the Tainted Elementals that spawn at the platform base.
4) All pylons down starts phase 3, blow cooldowns.
This is shaping up to be my longest sought wild pet rare. I've spent hours flying around both northern Stranglethorn and the Cape, caught more than one rare of every other type available in those zones, but have yet to see a rare Lizard Hatchling. At this point I don't even care if I get it in my favourite colour or breed.
It seems like some of the issue is that it shares spawn points with four other critter types, but only rarely appears as a second in battles against them.
If there was some sort of bug causing a high rate of rares back in November, it's been patched. I've done a several dozen battles in Shadowmoon Valley looking for a rare and keep coming up empty. I've seen at least one rare of every other type of pet available in Shadowmoon except for the roach.
Whiskers is pretty cheesed off that there are several unobtainable pets that came from limited events when bag space was at a real premium and before the pet journal existed.