Talmar's Comments
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8x a day this year every day thus far and nothing. Clocked well over 200 runs last year and didn't get it. This cute little doggo hates me. lol
This dropped on my first rift on patch day. Was wicked excited.
Love these kinds of achievements and quests but damn. I haven't completed Family Brawler yet or all the dungeon pets or even a fraction of the IE pets.
I've been doing the summonable bosses almost every day since practically release and still no pet. This is the worst RNG I've had with a pet other than the Giant Sewer Rat which took me almost two full xpacs to fish up.
I'm 110 so I don't think level has anything to do with it.
I have 800k. I could get to 1 million but I honstely can't imagine spending every last penny on the Celestial Calf. It's a nice looking pet but honestly there are much cooler looking pets.
Now, if the appearance was extraordinarily unique and had really cool idle animations I might consider it. Heck, Argi from the store is a better looking pet IMHO.
Have to add this pet to my excluded list I suppose.
Take care Doobjanka. Wishing you all the best in your future endeavors. Thanks for everything.
Haven't seen anything about this recently. Is it truely gone? forever? :(
Can't wait to learn him.
I will definitely rock this one our in pet battles.
wish me luck. :)
RNG hates me. I opened bag 66 today and still no scorchling. :(
I just hope to get it before Mists. :)
Well, it's been a good critter week. Finally leveled all my remaining pets to 25 and have them all rare. All caught up with existing pets...at least until next patch lol.
Need some IE's pets still and have to run Strathholm a bunch more times. Few Naz rares, Operation Mechagon and some Misc still to get.
Droplet of Y'Shaarj refuses to drop for me still. :(
Hope y'all have a great Christmas season.