Vakeetah's Comments
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Contrary to what is listed on main page, this pet is a result of ANY act of Thaumaturgy, not just the listed R3 Storm Dust. Got mine from Ominous Transmutagen (which is essentially free)
Just a little heads up for those chasing it, since R3 Storm Dust is one of the most expensive things to purchase.
Like other Ooze pets, this one ocassionally spits on its owner, appying Mind Slurped! - which covers your character in blue goo and makes it walk funny for up to 5 minutes.
Pewling (along with Sapnibbler) seem to be the ONLY pets appearing as secondaries; so it is very easy to find packs with two of the same species to farm for their respective rare skins. Good luck!
As of August 2023, this is still the only pet to ever have Maul self-synergy. Also, Whirling Talons is crazy good - and since it makes everyone Bleed, swapping won't save you from getting savagely mauled by this otherwise unasumming pet.
This pet has a typical "Spider" ability set, but with an Elemental typing instead of Beast. Fairly unique!
(at least that WAS the theory... it appears Frostbite Webbing applies the regular Beast-type Brittle Webbing)
In terms of combat, it's a straight copy of the WoD Ravagers (such as Icespine Hatchling), including breed values. It's a shame because it's such a bad moveset, and it's not even in theme with the pet (that could have had things like Crystal Prison, Crush, Grasp, etc)
This pet is the heir to the old Pandaren Water Spirit - as it can combine Whirpool and Geyser to pull a Howlbomb!
Interdimensional Pet Portal is a neat addition, but it's kind of silly that it costs the same 1000 Polished Charms as they made Pocket Pet Portal to cost in BfA.
If the previous rank is not needed, then Pocket Pet Portal is obsolete and whoever has acquired it in BfA will be very angry.
Tricorne is, for the most part, your average Rat... with a hat!
In terms of battle, the only thing it offers over regular rats is the new move Sniff Out (a Critter-version of Clean-Up) which gives it a hard-hitting move with some niche utility.
UPDATE: Turns out this pet is excellent for removing the infamous Magma Trap! Despite triggering the trap in the process, Tricorne is immune to the stun and resistant to its damage.
Contrary to what is stated on the information page, not all of these are "color changers". One of mine is ALWAYS black and blue - in combat, in journal and summoned. The other two are indeed color changers (their color in journal is fixed, but its randomized in combat and outdoors)
Would love to get an always green one, for completionism and because I like that skin better, but no luck with that so far :>
This little guy offers the very interesting combination of Temporal Anomaly and Early Advantage.
The classic problem with Early Advantage is how the second tick works, resulting in it being to predict and calculate, or risking death due to low Health on top of being slower.
Thanks to Temporal Anomaly you can have a mostly-passive Speed advantage, makingĀ Early Advantage more reliable even at low Health levels, which can also stack with Dragonkin for INSANE damage to a fresh, full HP pet.
The plushie seems not to be nearly black enough... it isn't even dark grey :/
Since Legion 7.1, this battle pet has become Magic - instead of Elemental!
Not a huge fan of reskins/recolors, but Snowfang sure is lovely! :D
Definitely looking forward to that meta-achievement. Might be the most fun in PvE in a while!
(although I still want another Celestial Tournament)
Ow, I thought we were going to see an actual fight between Archduke Bobo and Platinum, rather than a showcase... :D
Still, nice feature!
(even if that blasted cat won...)
Eeeh... I agree with Shell Armor getting nerfed, and also about the proposed nerf (lowering duration instead of value)
However, the Howl nerf is crazy! Outside of Howlbombing, Howl is just decent - and now will move on to useless, considering any hit will consume it (p.s: Don't use Nut Barrage)
I have mixed feelings about the PWS nerf. On the one hand, it's the main culprit behind Howlbomb (rather than Howl itself!) but I'm not sure what will become of it with the shared slot...
I'd say they seem a prime candidate for replacing pets like Little Fawn, just like the new Rabbits are replacing the old ones. The 5th one even has the same "greenish" tint as Infected Fawn, although it's not nearly as creepy! :)
Well, that is good news! I wasn't too sure we'd be able to get one of those lovely calves -and still am not- but seeing them in pet-related content sparks a renewed hope:)
"Corgis Unleashed" is finally coming! And people thought it was an April's Fools... :)
Huge thanks to Mitze and the XIS guild on Kilrogg-EU for letting me grab the challenging Deathwatch Hatchling! It's not much, but this little beastie shall forever be known as "Xis" :D