Vetteranger's Comments
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At all times, make sure the patrol up the hill, is out of range.
1. Use the north side of the island by a wrecked boat
2. Pull the murloc to the right of the boat
3. Move to the left of the boat, and pull the murloc there
4. Move into the island, and pull the murloc standing on the platform ahead and to your right. Break LOS with the boat for casters.
5. Walk up and engage a Squirky
6. The murlocs may respawn as you battle, so be ready to cast protection, movement freedom, and haul it out of there
My "leveling team" for the aquatic/flying teams in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms has long been two Emerald Proto-whelps plus my trainee pet. I only recently leveled his pet and realized that he essentially has the same move set as the whelps, but his attacks are STRONG against aquatics instead of normal. So he finishes off the aquatics much more quickly, and can use Ancient Blessing to stay in the fight just like my whelps. Great time saver here.
It sounds like they didn't really put much thought into buying training stones from the vendor. I cannot image any reason to ever spend three tokens instead of two for a stone specific to a family. The odds are extremely high that when buying these stones, you are going to immediately use it on a pet, and you know what family that pet belongs to. LOL
However, that is par for the course for WoW developers. The game is chock full of useless vendor items I doubt anyone has ever purchased.
In Tanaris, these appear as Primary spawns only near the water. The map is not accurate - they also frequently spawn on the offshore islands and sandbars in many places not marked on the Tanaris map. They will also appear as secondary spawns anywhere in the zone. I had major trouble finding a rare ... possibly because Tanaris spawns only contain two pets. They share spawn points with trash level 1 critters, so be sure to clear those out as you go.
I completely disagree that the H/H breed is at any disadvantage. That's the one I have, and I routinely beat the other breeds of this pet. Why? If they want to duke it out, I Haunt and come back with plenty of health left to Doom and Haunt the next pet. If they Haunt and Doom mine, then I Haunt their next pet and avoid all that damage (except the first round of Haunt). The extra Health just keeps her keepin' on. I wouldn't swap for a different breed if I could.
I ran into a team where the player used Murkalot to increase speed and damage, and then brought this in for Armageddon. I ran into that team three times in a short period of time. The first time I was surprised and just lost. The second time I had a better idea and still lost. The 3rd time I used my Death Adder first and spit. Even though he changed out Murkalot, the blinding still affected the Bombling and his Armageddon missed. He immediately ran from the battle. LOL
I noticed some people commenting they were having to settle for poor quality pets due to the low spawn frequency. Remember Green Battlestones are awarded frequently for PvP pet battle wins. It's a good way to clean up the bottom of your pet collection.
Back collecting after almost two years off. As it turns out, it's probably the aspect of the game I most enjoy.