Vyline's Comments
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I've been looking for a strong critter, and this guy definitely fits the bill. 341 power is awesome with stampede. What he lacks is speed, which isn't surprising. Would be a much better battler if crouch were in the 2nd slot. With such a slow per flurry is wasted.
The mission from the weekly island treasure map is for one of these. First I've heard of a pet as the reward.
This lil guy is amazing! Completing the quest chain nets you a nice mount, an amazing level 25 battler, and a ultimate battle stone.
In battle his abilities synergize well with each other, and those of other pets. The 2 round falcosaur swarm will leave your opponent with shattered defenses, and totally vulnerable to your next move, Predatory strike. Or swap pets for 1 round of double damage. For those hard hitters there's crouch to reduce damage during the swarm.
4 star rating easy.
Picked up an SS, and a PP this morning by the Queen in the feeding grounds. Had to kill her three times. Will need a couple stones. Their proximity to the Queen makes me think about the falcosaur pets and mounts from legion...
Abilities look good, with a bleed, black claw, and devour, I can see a line up with one of the falcosaurs happening.
While effective in battle, I'm very disappointed. The tooltip for Rot is VERY much incorrect. It does not cause them to become undead. Neither flyers nor elementals lose their family traits. Instead of becoming undead, they take damage as undead, which is a very different thing, in a very important way.
Surprisingly effective in HH, HP, or HS.
I'm curious if this only affects your opponents current pet, or more accurately, the one marked with the toxic bite. That is, if it works like that that is.
The moveset is rather blah. The elemental passive keeps this pet from being a complete flop. You're pretty much stuck using Ice Lance & Ice Barrier, the only choice being whether to use Slippery Ice or Frost Nova. This lil ice devil really shines when it comes up against weather teams. Darkness? Sandstorm? Call Lightning? Fuhgettaboutit! With slippery ice active, darkness gives the enemy only a 30% chance to hit, sandstorm knocks em down to 70%, and lightning only will work in your favor.
Soooo slow, and two of his moves (survival and Horn Attack) are basically useless. Power isn't really what I'd expect from a pet with the moveset it has. Trumpet Strike and Stampede are about all this high health runt has going for it. Would be a serious winner with a rampage move in the right slot.
Very underwhelming healing move (reforge) seems more likely to end with death, rather than being healed after the 3 rounds is up. Could be very useful in the right circumstances. The layout of the move set really limits what this pet is capable of doing.
Wasn't too enthused when she rotated into the line-up for levelling. I was surprised by her survivability as she cracked that whip again & again & again. By the time she reached max level, I knew I had a solid humanoid battler on my hands. Tough on her own, also plays well with others. Not keen on available breeds, however. Dislike balance in my battlers. lots of potential for good synergy with other pets. Her comments & sound effects during battle are also pretty amusing.
Was rummaging through random pets, and stumbled upon this little jewel. Wow! I know where my next 200 PPCs are going. I see so much potential for mayhem in it's move set that I'm actually excited to see what it can accomplish. Has great synergy potential with other pets besides being awesome on its own.
Pump (once), cleansing rain when off CD, then spam either Tidal Wave or water jet. Will have some survivability against dot opponents, especially if used in conjunction with damage reducing weather such as sandstorm. Whirlpool could replace water jet in some battles if necessary. Not many good battle options for this fish out of water.
Great pet to take those big hits, and still survive due to high health and a very solid, multi-turn heal. Sunny days could turn this lil monster into an almost unstoppable juggernaut. If used with damage reducing weather effects, it will surely annoy, and frustrate your opponent.
Not overly fond of two of the six moves in it's set. Survival and apocalypse are pretty much useless, reducing this guy to only 4 move choices. Falls flat against any pet with damage reduction.
Can be absolutely devastating as an opener. Wild Magic followed by Fel Immolate, then a forced swap to die in the backline, courtesy of Wing Buffet, can make short work work of the opposing pet, as well as your opponents strategy.
Lousy set of moves for a slow flyer. Dependent on others to set up to be most effective. Don't ever find myself putting him in my lineup.
This guy kicks nass and takes manes. Against pets with flurry type moves, or multi-turn swarming this guy doesn't even break a sweat. Lightning shield is simply devastating, even vs pets that take reduced damage from elementals.
Barring damage reduction, simply rip, lightning shield, and blood in the water will usually make short work of the opposing pet.
I use this guy as my opener, followed by Eldritch manafiend, & anubisath idol vs teams of unknown makeup
This would be a good pet for battling if you were able to use both web as well as it's web based abilities. Really puts a damper on this nice looking spider.
With dual shields, and high health this guy decimates any multi-attack pet.
Loktar Ogar!