Wakamaru's Comments
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This pet can be caged. The drop rate doesn't seem too horrible, I was able to locate two in about 30 minutes. Mind you the players running around reminding you why you don't like a lot of WoWs population make the hunt a little more difficult.
I've recieved two of these so far. Both were poor quality. One was P/B and the other S/S.
I'm coming up on 500 2500 4500 Feast of the Waters and several thousand miscellaneous green draenor dishes since maxing my Draenor cooking and have yet to find this little guy. I am discouraged, but remain hopeful! I'm such a fan of the slime ball pets :P
I looted this pet this morning from the Strange Spore located north-west of Elodor in Shadowmoon Valley. The Strange Spore is at 55, 20. Once learned the pet was Uncommon quality, Cageable, and S/S breed. The Strange Spore you loot the Umbrafen Spore from is on top of a mushroom. I was able to get to the mountain side to the north of the mushroom with some mountain climbing by way of Elodor. I was able to jump down on to the mushroom from a cliff just north of it.
This pet is hatched from Mysterious Egg, which turns in to Cracked Egg. The Mysterious Egg is location at Grom'gar in Frostfire Ridge around 64, 65. You can find the egg above the base entrance on a platform with Thunderlord Driftstalkers. The egg will be in a nest towards the back of the platform with the tooltip "Wiggling Egg". It hatches after 3 days and you will recieve Fruit Hunter.
Edit: My egg hatched this morning! Uncommon quality, Cageable, and P/B breed.
I looted this pet this morning from the Strange Spore located in the Crimson Fen area of Gorgrond. The Strange Spore is at 56, 65. Once learned the pet was Uncommon quality, Cageable, and H/H breed.
Found this little guy this morning while exploring the area south of Aruuna area located in Talador. Looted from a Teroclaw Nest. Once learned the pet was Uncommon quality, Cageable, and H/P breed.
Woohoo, just received mine! Leveling him up right now!
I finally caught a rare one of these in The Hinterlands, second to a Brown Marmot.
Got my S/S today - he's so cute! Took about 5000 coins spent on keys. Nice bit about it is getting a fair amount of those coins returned from the bonker-less chests. Looking forward to leveling him!
I found two of these little fellas back to back, rare and P/S breed. One was it's own spawn, and the other secondary to a Skywisp Moth atop a pillar. Worth noting about these - they do have a unique appearance when compared to other moths (as they glow) and they do have a unique skill set. Additionally, loving the model over other moths, I decided to level the two I had to replace my ho-hum Amber Moths; these little bugs are tough as nails!
Found a H/S rare secondary while looking for a rare Snowy Owl.
I found my rare secondary to a Clouded Hedgehog. I noticed while capturing it, and previous lesser quality ones, it seems oddly difficult to capture. Not sure if it was just a bug I was experiencing or what, but it took me 5 shots to catch the little bugger in two seperate instances. That said, I love it as a battle pet. I use a P/P breed, tough as nails.
After finding a few poor quality primary spawns, I got my rare secondary to a Silent Hedgehog.
Although these guys do spawn in small numbers in the alliance towns Valgarde and Westguard Keep, it was much quicker getting a rare one by finding it as a secondary. For me atleast. Happy [pet] hunting!
I found a mess of these little guys atop the plateau east of Kirthaven in Twilight Highlands, (61,15), including a level 24 rare. Happy [pet] hunting!
It is definitely easiest to farm these as secondaries. That said, I've spotted a fair amount in he Vermillion Redoubt area and a few in Thundermarr, some I could battle, some I got obstruction errors with.
1/23/2014 - I finally found a rare! Secondary to a Yellow-Bellied Marmot.
I've had fairly good luck finding these whether intentional or by happenstance. Found in the following spots:
The Forgotten Shore (2 times)
West of Galakrond's Rest (2 times)
Crystalsong Forest
West of Sunreaver's Command (2 times)
West of The Azure Front (1 time)
Good luck!
Finally picked one of these up immediately following rolling restarts for all servers. Caelestrasz-US, Storm Peaks - The Summit. Grabbed the first one I spotted just for good measure, then found a rare 2 more Kits later.
I hope everyone is having fun in Legion!
New Pets
772. Auburn Ringtail
773. Benax
774. Bleakwater Jelly
775. Fetid Waveling
776. Gleamhoof Fawn
777. Golden Eaglet
778. Rose Taipan
779. Slithering Brownscale
780. Spring Strider
781. Terror Larva
782. Vale Flitter
783. Zoom