Xomegax1's Comments
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I found mine near the Golden Stair while the Black Empire assault was in force. It was also a rare (H/H) and the primary as others have mentioned. The Golden Chirper spawned with a couple of the normal zone wild pets as secondaries.
I hope to be this badass when I hit 83 :-)
Ijust bought mine for 195g after trying to farm it for a month. Best money I ever spent. That being said, there's a level 25 turnip in the Eonar AH for 15000g. Wish I could afford that one.
I got lucky and caught it raining after 3 weeks of camping. I only got a common and uncommon but I'll use stones to upgrade them. I have to say that this is the cutest pet I've collected so far.
found mine in the AH for just 11g...next highest priced one was 500g
It took me 3 hours of searching before I saw one of these spawn. I found mine at 62.3, 82.0. I got extremely lucky given how rarely these seem to spawn to get a rare on the first go around.
Got a rare of the first try in the Jade Forest. Must be lucky as I've seen nothing but poor's and common's since.
This may not be the toughest battle pet out there, it's still one of my favorites. The amount of work put into creating this pet is obvious and the fact that it's a reward for donating to Hurricane Sandy relief doesn't hurt either. This pet can still hold it's own against most other pets and will remain in my lineup for a while yet.
Leveling, leveling, leveling...oh look, more pets to collect!