Yisselda's Comments
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Nor'danil Wellspring area, at the split road before you get to the fountain area where all the ghosts are go right on the road. This road takes you way up the mountain. Follow broken columns as you go up. the higher you go you will see several spawn. They will seem almost out of reach but find safe spots under & try. Make sure you take a Terrible Turnip & utilize "Weakening Blow". These birds spawn poor to uncommon & just about anything can kill them in 2 to 3 blows.
Be prepared. With the nerf of Howl/Water Bomb the Stitches Jr. daily is now unbeatable. It has the ability to ignore any hit below 500 hp. Good luck to whoever learns the secret to beating him. If so inclined please share the information & team with the rest of us if & when it is discovered. Thank you. Until then, this is one daily in The Menagerie I won't be doing.
Wish I knew which kids or players whined about "howl bomb" in PvE. With more powerful "trainers" coming in Legion & I am sure nothing to replace or assist in these new fights we will once again be cut at the knees. People research & try diffirent combinations & nothing. RNG already sucks & now this. Thanks for sucking the joy out even more.
*squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee *
This is why I stalk this page everyday!! It never fails to deliver great news, great ideas and mad crazy humor. Although I think for some of the kiddies (no insult, just old lady here) may not the the dynamic comedic references suggested (still giggling at the Platano Kong). Thank you Thank you Thank you so much!!!
Well worth getting a team of this handsome pup!! With 3 of them its the only team which can kick "The Beakinator's" butt! No fuss no muss.
Did not think anyone was old enough in game to know about "Candygram". Thank you for making my day battle pet collectors!!
Even though the "General Info" page gives us a clear date this lovely shows up at the first day of summer every year; not every 6 months. It is just a few days away so I suggest get ready for the crazed frenzie. I am sure, unlike last year, there will be no increase in spawn rate to accomodate the demand. It will be fun to see "When Good Battle Pets Masters Go Bad!"
Those favored by the evil, fickle, & capricious WoW Gods should be grateful & humble. This creature is elusive & requires great patience & time to capture. It is NOT quick, fast, or easy. The luck is all deceptive & the reality is this is the first most difficult pet to capture. So please, for the rest of us mere mortals there is nothing wrong with you. It's the madness of the WoW Gods that decides who gets this pet. Be patient, take time & keep trying.
After searching all thru the available merchandise this "plushie" or the accompanying code is no longer available at the Blizzard store. You are at the mercy of unscrupulous sellers and dealers. Good luck.