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EvilPinkRobot's Profile

Username: EvilPinkRobot  
Character: Padma (H)
Realm & Rank: Dunemaul-us (#4)
Connected Rank: Dunemaul-us (#30)
Pets Collected: 192/1546
Pets Rated: 0/1864 — Appearance
0/1831 — Battle
Joined: August 08, 2008
Last Online: July 07, 2013
Community: Comments (1)
Forum Posts (1)
Messaging: Enabled Contact EvilPinkRobot

EvilPinkRobot Says: 

Hmm, so three years running with five maxed characters, and still no Ice Chip. I just watched someone from each run I did today loot one.

Happy Fourth of July to me!
Posted Jul 4, 2012 at 2:12pm

EvilPinkRobot's Collection:  View EvilPinkRobot's Pets

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About EvilPinkRobot:

Been playing since vanilla, but I never had any luck collecting whelplings on my warrior main. Didn't start collecting pets until BC when I switched mains and had significantly better luck with my rogue. I guess pets are frightened by my undead warrior and happily flock to my annoyingly pretty Belf. Go figure.



Pet collecting became more interesting to me after x-realm bgs were introduced. The fun was taken away from bgs, rivalries and friendships were lost, epic AV battles were long gone, so I retired my warrior. Saddest day in my WoW history.



I don't raid and I don't do arena. I've tried that before, but I'd rather avoid the drama. That USED to just leave me with pet collecting, but ever since pet battles were introduced, I don't care for that either. Almost all the new pets involve the battles and, too me, it's just not fun. So now I don't know why I even bother playing.



After six years of hunting the Hyacinth Macaw, I give up. Tens of thousands of loots later, I don't want to even think of this pet any more.

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