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Holypriestess' Profile

Username: Holypriestess Top Rater  
Character: Pyrite (H)
Realm & Rank: Lightbringer-eu (#9)
Connected Rank: Lightbringer-eu (#13)
Pets Collected: 927/1617
Pets Rated: 253/1768 — Appearance
0/1737 — Battle
Joined: January 25, 2015
Last Online: March 03, 2021
Community: Comments (4)
Forum Posts (0)
Messaging: Disabled Disabled by Holypriestess

Holypriestess' Collection:  View Holypriestess' Pets

Pet ScoreWhat is pet score?
Unique Pets
Pets at Max Level
Average Pet Level*
PoorPoor  0.0%
CommonCommon  0.0%
UncommonUncommon  0.0%
RareRare  0.0%
EpicEpic  0.0%
LegendaryLegendary  0.0%
Realm & Rank
Site Rank
*Collection data purged per accordance with Blizzard API rules

About Holypriestess:

Alliance [ EU / Lightbringer ]

Suraj, the Lightbringer

lvl 120 Female Lightforged Draenei Holy Priest


I made a 2nd Priest on Horde called Pyrite.

I made a 3rd Priest for Shadowlands to use the new customization options and play with my man for his first proper run.


IRL: female, 28, Finland


Pets Collected:

920 + (300+ on my old account, had to start over)


My boyfriend got into collecting too, his collecting journey is giving me the same excitement all over again now.


Best Ranking: Lightbringer EU #9 (active/both sides)


To Do List: 


¤ Get the Duskflutter Ardenmoth mount if I can even if I go for Bastion's covenant.

¤ Try going for [Ruffle] & [Courage]


¤ Leveling new priest through Shadowlands

¤ The newest Shadowlands Safari achievement.

¤ Work towards the 1000 pets achievement. 

¤ Upgrade Uncommons to Rares slowly.

¤ Level all my rats to 25 slowly.


Pet Collecting Style: A combination of farming them myself, capturing via pet battles, buying them off AH & my brothers gifting me some <3 And this doesn´t make me any less of a collector...I also easily exlude "too hard to get" pets, because WoW isn't my main game. I play this on and off since late BC. I played the most active during WOTLK, Legion and BFA. I'm a Heroes of the Storm player for 6+ years now. More accurately a lvl 400+ Li-Ming with a personal best of Master rank. So I often have a long hiatus from WoW coming back for the new expansions.


Favorite Pet Family: Critters: Rats, because I have had pet rats IRL (all together I´ve had 14, 7 was the most I´ve had at the same time, discounting a litter because I only kept 1 pinkie)


I have a rare quality collection of rat and moth models~


Some Of My Favorite Pets: [Giant Sewer Rat] , [Ghastly Rat] , [Leper Rat] , [Void-Scarred Rat] & [Tricorne] +every rat model ingame xD


Favorite Pet Skill: [Stampedebecause all the rats.


Mounts collected: 121  (50+ on my old account had to start over)

link to my Warcraft Mounts profile:


Favorite Mount: [Ratstallion] are you sensing a theme yet?

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