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Leowyld's Profile

Username: Leowyld  
Character: Leowyld (A)
Realm & Rank: Earthen Ring-us (#20)
Connected Rank: Earthen Ring-us (#20)
Pets Collected: 179/1846
Pets Rated: 1/1901 — Appearance
0/1869 — Battle
Joined: December 29, 2013
Last Online: March 06, 2014
Community: Comments (1)
Forum Posts (5)
Messaging: Enabled Contact Leowyld

Leowyld Says: 

I have a team of level 25's now. My Emerald Turtle Pyko, My Gilnean Raven Allan, and, my star, my Bandicoon Rocket. Not optimal or anything, but I'm not really an optimal sorta guy. (The 'coon and turtle are blue, but the raven is still green. Will hopefully get a stone eventually to fix that)


In other, completely unrelated news, made a new homesite (not really WoW-related at all, but, if curious, the link's under my name on any of my forum posts)

Posted Feb 2, 2014 at 10:47am

Leowyld's Collection:  View Leowyld's Pets

Pet ScoreWhat is pet score?
Unique Pets
Pets at Max Level
Average Pet Level*
PoorPoor  0.0%
CommonCommon  0.0%
UncommonUncommon  0.0%
RareRare  0.0%
EpicEpic  0.0%
LegendaryLegendary  0.0%
Realm & Rank
Site Rank
*Collection data purged per accordance with Blizzard API rules

About Leowyld:

Cosmic greetings!


World of Warcraft may not have been my first traditional MMO, but it certainly has left the greatest impression. I first played in July of 2005 and have take occasional breaks from it since (I have not been playing for most of 2013, but I plan to return soon). My main will be (he's already created, technically) Leowyld, Alliance Pandaren Hunter on Zangarmarsh. I very much enjoyed the pet battle system before I left (and collecting pets, in general), so I look forward to being a regular visitor to this site.


In other game news, I also play Rock Band 3 (over 800 songs) on 360. But my current main game of choice is Marvel Heroes. I am something of a quasi-celebrity. As the Raccoonatic Commander ("raccoonatic" being a word I coined for Rocket fans), I consider myself Rocket Raccoon's #1 fan (and the community seems to largely agree, I was honored with my own namesake unique item for Rocket in game). I'm also an apsiring writer and have focused some of my pent-up creative energies on writing Marvel Heroes and Rocket Raccoon-related articles since I became a fan. Was gonna put a link to a page with links to my writing but that may be considered advertising, so if you are interested just go to raccoonatics dot guildlaunch dot com and click the Raccooniverse tab at the top.


I also keep Twitter open most of the day. I speak a lot about Marvel, Rocket, and Marvel Heroes, but I imagine I will be tweeting about my WoW progress, too, once that starts up again. My name is Rocket Raccoon @Raccoonatic

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